Monday, October 31, 2005

Electromagnatism, The Human Mind - Supplemental

A Brief Commentary
Pertaining To
The Relationship Between
The Human Mind
Electromagnetic Frequencies

Exploration of The Process of
Proximity Gestation


David A. Archer

Given the fact (as per scientific standards- please see "List Of Brain Wave Activity/Frequencies" illustration) that the brain waves of human beings are quite consistent in similarities everywhere around the planet in the manner that each and every one (living person) experiences these different levels of activity in various forms and combinations through out their lives, it is rather easy to see the consistency within the process I have been exploring of Proximity Gestation.

I would venture that given the attention, a person could sum without doubt enough physical consistencies due to proximity within these activities of different study subjects, to give at least the very obvious credibility through such findings that is deserved of such a phenomena as I have attempted to describe.

The very act of these frequencies interacting every day in measurable form, is example of the process itself that I have described as it is very seldom (if ever in healthy situations) that any one set/form of these frequencies is entirely dominant in the human brain activity. Thus yielding a very real time example of the emulation that is our existence, as our existence in the here and now.

I would also like to state that from my research of several different studies pertaining to brain wave activity, I find it easy to prove that our existence is very much more than what is readily believed and perceived. We are very much influenced in manners that are not readily acknowledged.

It seems to be assumed that because something such as an S.E.P. establishes consistent results in such stimulation, that “outer” physical stimulation influence and inner influence are the only two means through which we attain such movement of these brain waves. The consistencies of their activity alone is enough to stand as proof that there is some other influence.

Science has found that man made electro magnetic stimulations can and do influence the brains activity to some degree as well.. this I would classify as “Outer Physical” influence. The most common of man made electro magnetic stimulation is quite obviously electricity. This “advance” is really nothing more than the result of our emulation of that larger source… especially in the degree of stimulation of those brain waves and patterns. The fact that we as creatures have developed means with which to effectively influence these movements, means logically that there is another point from which they are influenced to begin with.

To me, it becomes quite obvious that there is more to our existence than is predominantly proposed. Ironically enough, such predominant opinion is perpetuated in a very high degree through the use of that emulation which is electricity. This itself, along with the proved influence and purposeful manipulation of these brain waves with our man made emulation, establishes the fact that there is very much a “third” type of natural influence and stimulation upon our existence. This in conjunction with the obvious consistencies of brain activity type around the world, places the subject and process I have described soundly within the realm of probability… to a greater degree even than that of artificial enhancement and sustained life.

I propose that this “third” type of stimulation is neither from within our physical brain/body/existence… nor from any tangible means outside of it. It is due entirely, not only to that larger, eternal influence/source… but to the process that has been naturally established within and from our reaction to it quite simply. This in various degrees and levels pertaining to different areas of consistent exposure to it’s pattern(s).

To elaborate a bit further in regard to this “source,” it is in my belief as I have established and as observation of existing studies will and do reveal, it is perpetually in a transitional state. Even as consistent as things around us are, as well as our own existences… it is continuously progressing….. and thus yielding the process that enfolds and produces our very existence. Regardless of how repetitious our reality seems (which is very much our own doing in clinging to things we call progress), this larger source is in motion and progressive. We are proof of that in our own right.

This “third” type of stimulation is the result of our reception/correspondence as it were, and sensitivity to this larger source.

What this then means, as I have stated in other ways, is that our brain is merely a transducer. It is very much a “two way street” though in a non-linear sense. Our perception is influenced from our surroundings, our thoughts (which are simultaneously in contact with that source) and that larger influence.

To be more clear, those resulting readable brain waves which can be detected in all facets and levels of the living human brain, are actually augmented to some degree… interwoven and produced from interaction with that larger source. There are those that are produced from a pin prick (those “topical” activities that are measured in an S.E.P.), then activity from our experienced being – both being of the same “area,” and then further activity from that larger source and as well from the interaction with it. These being in a similar “area” to each other in the same respect as those contained in our physical realm. All simultaneously in the same “stream” and flow of every nuance.

I believe this attribute is what allows the lucid and seamless motion of our thoughts and existence at that level which we do not consciously consider from moment to moment.

It very much allows understanding itself. Growth and accumulation of new experiences/knowledge. It is also what is responsible for the simultaneous production and combined usage of various combinations within those established sets of brain wave frequencies. Our capacity even, for such variations. It is a resulting effect and living example of the process itself, as well. As it functions. As it produces and detracts. As it progresses.

I believe that our interaction with that larger source can easily be likened in comparison to the relationship between our senses and perception, understanding.

It’s functions and the effect of it’s progress must be weighed with regard to those man made influences which have been addressed, as well. What we have “created” and “achieved” in many ways and especially in the “electro magnetic” sense, interferes with that normal and natural exchange. In so far as to become a detriment in many respects. That which may have seemed to act as a “Gamma Correction” (to use a technological term to illustrate an effect) at the initial stages of it’s use, has become a detrimental interference between ourselves and the larger progression of all else. At least it would seem as such.

In a metaphor that is easy to demonstrate, the effect on our natural brain patterns of the consistent frequencies inundating our every day life through technological advance, could easily be likened to that of placing a very strong magnet on the top of a television set. If it is that it immediately shows no change… it most certainly will in a short period of time. It will distort and discolor the normal status of the picture which is shown. The “magnet” in this instance representing the standard and consistent frequencies that are in our daily life, and the television picture representing our standard mode of thought process.

In the United States, the standard frequency cycle which electricity is kept at is 60 Hz, 60 cycles per second. In Europe and much of Asia, this standard is kept at 50 Hz, 50 cycles per second.

It is quite obvious that this example is in the extreme measure of such exposure. The actual effect isn’t nearly as immediate, but this serves to demonstrate the over all effect on the Human mind and development of it as well as to demonstrate the issue of interference between ourselves and that naturally existing body.

These consistent frequencies act to “draw” the brains activity more and more toward their consistency… like the effect of passing a magnet very close to a television screen that is displaying any imagery. It does this very much in accord to it’s cycle levels…. each “passes” resulting distortion being of that cycle.

Simply as the rule of action/reaction exists, it stands to reason that this will eventually have long lasting effect on our existence. In my opinion, the result of this is very much what gives many people a somewhat “mechanized,” machine like quality. There is also some interesting turns when a person considers the difference between 60 cycles and 50 cycles as standards. This alone creates areas that are inherently “out of phase.”

What is more concerning this, is that any who are familiar with the action of frequencies will immediately attest to the extended effects of this consistency. Each frequency does not exist solely of it’s own. Each frequency that is excited, then in turn excites other frequencies both above and below it that are “in phase” with it, according to it’s amplitude.

When is it… where is the line that is, where we as creatures entirely over power our natural connection? Is it possible to over power entirely through exceeding some measurable amount of amplitude, that natural body of frequency which is part of our existence?

The magnet fields of the Earth are and have been measured, but it isn’t hard to realize that our connection is more than that. Those fields which exist naturally within our atmosphere are only as a part of a larger cycle, quite obviously. Is it really safe to “phase cancel” that body to a degree that our man made frequencies essentially take over it’s function? We aren’t machines? Mechanical machines that is to say. Our existence needs the subtle fluctuations which are attained through our natural connection. To cross cancel all of those natural frequencies just seems dangerous to me… and further as I have mentioned, is part of what is removing us from our larger potential including harmonious existence out of our earths atmosphere.

As a musing, perhaps it is seen that creating such an over bearing consistency will then in turn be used to maintain a consistent atmosphere when no longer within that of earth’s? As tempting as that sounds, I still see it as placing limitation on something we have yet to understand entirely.

What of our potential are we “canceling” as we employ these intrusive frequencies at such a level? I seem to gravitate toward the notion that we are losing ground in pursuing such a direction, as that larger natural body is in constant motion…. And as far as I know, no one has the “V.C.R.” set to record what we are missing so to speak. We have separated ourselves from the prime signal, settling for the reruns we have produced in that over consistency as the standard and greater influence on our brains activity in most instances. None of this is even to address the effect of our “employed pollution” on all other living things within our atmosphere, either… which is an entire subject unto itself.

Factually, in a very literal manner…. The whole of society is actually becoming less and less “sane” in regard to the normal manner of thought process. Doing so in such a way as to produce the illusion of normality in sheer numbers of “participants,” people suffering the effects of this artificial influence. We are “progressing” entirely out of the realm of sanity in the literal sense. Kind of amusing really, when you think about it.

Just off of the top of my head, 60 Hz, 50 Hz and the established/measured “standard” electromagnetic field of 7.8 Hz naturally within our Earth’s atmosphere, have all kinds of cross cancellations happening. The 60 cycle only falls in phase briefly with the 7.8 cycles within the tenth of a second measure. And then it is very briefly. The 50 cycle is in a similar phase cancellation pattern, though different from the 60 cycle obviously.

It should also be noted that it was only after the advent of modern electrical measures and tools, that the naturally occurring levels of electromagnetism within our immediate atmosphere was detectible and measurable. What this means is that even early on in the discoveries of such a natural body within our atmosphere, we as creatures were already distorting what it is that was being measured… simply through the tools and emissions from those “tools” that were being used. What seems to have progressed from my simple perspective, is a continuing displacement of that natural body of frequencies with the continuous advent and progress of our own emulation of it in those forms of 60 cycle and 50 cycle, among others.

How much can we distort it before it becomes irreversibly detrimental? Can we do that kind of damage to our own electromagnetic atmosphere?

It is very possible to disrupt our own lives through those cross cancellations and over saturation (the reference to “popular insanity”). But is it that the worst to be possible in regard to this, is that damage to ourselves (and other living creatures) in this “time era” in which we continue to promote it?

What are the “long term” effects of continuously influencing the developmental direction of the human mind with our own artificial body of standardized electro magnetic frequencies? Immediately it is easy to see how prolonged limitations will effect us. And it is that these standardized frequency patterns are a type of limitation on something within our own existence that we have yet to understand entirely.

Metaphorically, what is happening as result in that continuously growing body and consistency of artificial frequencies and it’s effect on the human response as well as that natural body, is as if to attempt to align the stars in one linear pattern and flow… forsaking the naturally existing astrological patterns and motion. As if to confine a long and naturally flowing river to a three quarter inch pipeline, plumbed and true (note that this is a “linear” reference where it is not my belief that such is a linear action per say).

I don’t believe that such was the intended use or result. I think that the effect of the electromagnetic body that is produced from the ever amplified and ever promoted artificial frequencies acts very much as does a magnet to metal shavings in relation to the pattern of our thought frequencies and their relationship with that larger, natural and changing body of electro magnetism. Instead of the natural pattern of the “constellations,” the presence of those over standardized and consistent frequencies acts to distort them in a manner as to draw them in line with it’s own consistency, thus producing an artificial limitation to the patterns of electromagnetic activity within the brain itself…. Further then, limiting the capacity for thought.

Though this may seem as a redundant statement in regard to what I have already addressed, it really isn’t when you consider the different effects on the different functional capacities of thought… of that process of exchange. It is similar to addressing the different effects of an influence on the different “sense’s,” such as sight and smell.

What I am referring to here, is only in regard to the most common artificial frequencies in the 60 cycle and 50 cycle range (common electricity). A person must then consider that these consistent artificial frequencies produce ‘side bands’(as I have addressed) as well which are just as strong and consistent. These side bands remain in a harmonious phase with the originating frequency, in just as consistent of a manner. Producing as well, a very similar effect in frequencies both above and below them.

The E.L.F. frequencies, for example. The micro wave frequencies. The ultra violet frequencies…. All of these produce “side bands” per frequency in use. That is really allot of cross cancellation. It is also allot of over bearing consistency.

Considering all of the different communication devices in use, alone…. Results in a staggering amount of “side bands” and cross cancellations, as well as a considerable amount of structure were none naturally exists…. None of which being considered in regard to the relationship with that natural and changing body of frequencies….. or even with themselves for that matter, beyond immediate interference with transmission(s).

Another effect of the over bearing consistencies of these two main, artificial frequency patterns…. Seems to be in respect to actually stunting society. Doing so in a manner that allows the illusion of progress, mostly in the technological realm, while actually arresting the development and progress with that larger body and influence.

This I believe is due to the over consistency and the influence of that over consistency of those artificial patterns and their interference. Very much in a scientific and measurable manner, they (those consistent frequencies) maintain a “suspended area” in the electromagnetic influences on our natural existence…… in what we could even consider ‘time’ (progression), on the larger scale pertaining to perception.

We are perpetually in and under the influence of 60 cycles and 50 cycles consistently. Where all else outside of that area of influence continues to progress in accordance to that natural pattern. We have in many ways, suspended our own progress. This I think acts to encourage that “digression” I have referred to…. And does so in tandem with that ever consistent “pull” to align “ourselves” with the artificial, electromagnetic atmosphere we have created and continue to amplify…. As well as continue to “compact” it with more and more of these “side band” frequencies.


Illustrations Pertaining to Frequency

Cycles Per Second Illustration

List Of Brain Wave Activity/Frequencies

The "Normal" 7.8 Hz and the Artificial Frequencies of 60 cycles and 50 cycles Simultaneously


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